Daniel Kaufman

Friday Roundup – 11.10.23 Edition

Each and every Friday — I outline a few of the articles and/or books that I have read over the last week or two that are worth taking a look at.

Sell Futures, Not Features: Michael Killen

No matter your sales experience or how much you’ve sold in the past, you’ll learn how to sell more products and services for whatever price you want.

The reason most people struggle to sell what they want, for the price they want, is because they’re bored by or unconfident in their own product, their customers seem uninterested with what they have to sell and they’re uncomfortable with the sales processes they’ve been taught.

Follow the Sell Futures, Not Features framework to overcome those roadblocks and build products, offers and sales messaging that make you the absolute best choice in your market.

  • Create over 100 reasons for people to by any of your products or services
  • Write killer sales copy that converts
  • Eliminate objections with compelling “future statements”
  • Craft masterful sales campaigns quickly and easily
  • Generate qualified leads from people who want to buy from you
  • Talk to more leads and convert them into customers
  • Get more deals, for higher prices, with less work

Go here to get a copy of this great book: https://a.co/d/iz8zqEd

The 1st (and Greatest) Victory in Life — Plato

You will face many battles in life.

In fact, you’ve overcome many hurdles already.


The most important battle we MUST win (come what may) is the one within ourselves. The fight between our higher selves, which strive for virtue and wisdom, and our lower selves, driven by our desires and impulses, changes everything.

Plato thought we fall short of our best lives because we fail to conquer ourselves first. Our greatest battles are with our emotions and minds.

“The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile.” Plato once said.

Plato’s statement makes great sense, especially if you want the complete life experience. You are the biggest obstacle in your own way. If you can’t control your own mind and emotions, you won’t get far in life. The moment you start giving in to your lower self, it becomes easier and easier to do it again. Over time, you lose control of your life altogether. One of the most significant achievements in life is mastering your own inner demons, fears, and weaknesses.

Think about it this way: Let’s say you have a bad habit, like procrastination. Conquering yourself means overcoming that habit, managing your time better, and getting things done.

That’s a huge victory, right?

On the other hand, being “conquered by yourself” is feeling powerless to change, stuck in bad habits, and unable to improve. That’s something I want to avoid at all costs. Overcoming the desire to sit on the couch and choosing to exercise takes significant bravery. You’re essentially at war with your comfort and convenience.

Self-control is a superpower.

This inner battle of conquering your desires is a test of your character and strength of will. Conquering yourself is not letting your shortcomings hold you back. If you react impulsively to a frustrating situation, your emotions will get the better of you. But when you consciously choose to stay calm, that’s conquering myself.

Go here to finish reading this post: https://medium.com/personal-growth/the-1st-and-greatest-victory-in-life-plato-9405f07ed457

12 (Stoic) Rules For Life: An Ancient Guide to the Good Life

It’d be wonderful if life never tempted you, if you could just go day-to-day, winging it and always do right. But that’s not how the world is. That’s not who you are. If left to our own devices, with enough opportunities, eventually we’ll mess up—we’ll drift, we’ll stray.

That’s why the greats have what Marcus Aurelius called “epithets for the self” or what General Mattis has called “flat-ass rules.” Know what you stand for and stick to it, he said. Draw the line and hold it.

Stoicism, in theory, is a philosophy. As a practice, it is a set of rules to live by. The Stoics believed that life was complicated—more importantly, that it was exhausting. So to create rules was to help ensure that we stay on the right path, that we don’t let the complexity and the nuance of each individual scenario allow us to compromise on the big, high standards we know we hold.

Rule 1: Own the morning

“At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: ‘I have to go to work – as a human being…I’m going to do what I was born for…Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?’” — Marcus Aurelius

One of the most relatable moments in Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations is the argument Marcus Aurelius has with himself in the opening of book 5. It’s clearly an argument he’s had with himself many times, on many mornings—as have many of us: He knows he has to get out of bed, but so desperately wants to remain under the warm covers. 

It’s relatable…but it’s also impressive. Marcus didn’t actually have to get out of bed. He didn’t really have to do anything. One of his predecessors, Tiberius, basically abandoned the throne for an exotic island. Marcus’s adopted great-grandfather Hadrian hardly spent any time in Rome at all. The emperor had all sorts of prerogatives, and here Marcus was insisting that he rise early and get to work. 

Why? It’s because Marcus knew that winning the morning was key to winning the day and winning at life. He wouldn’t have heard the expression that “the early bird gets the worm,” but he was well aware that a day well-begun is half done. But it begs the question: what does winning the morning actually look like? What should one do after they wake up early? From the Stoics, we glean 3 habits that make the morning a success: Journal. Take a walk. Do deep work. Let’s look at each of those individually:

Go here to finish reading: https://dailystoic.com/12-rules-for-life/

Holy Grail Copywriting: The 5-Step Mental Model Behind Blockbuster Marketing Campaigns

Recognizing the immense value this group brings to my business, I’m eager to contribute by sharing my unique “Holy Grail Copy” methodology. This approach, though unconventional, has been pivotal in building multi-million-dollar businesses for both myself and my clients.

To pique your interest, someone once said about my frameworks:

“Your strategies are like Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumb trail leading to the Witch’s House. But in this case, you’re the witch, and what you conjure is pure magic.”

Let’s dive in.

A few years back, I sold one of my companies internally. This move allowed me to amalgamate my diverse passions into a singular, powerful persuasion strategy. When I unveiled it last year, we observed:

  • $383 per email subscriber.
  • $209 per FB Group Member.
  • $1.83 EPC, while the industry average was $0.53.

These figures are far from ordinary. And here’s the secret behind them:

Introducing Holy Grail Copywriting (HGC):

HGC’s core principle is “Start at the Finish Line.” In perception management, you can strategically position yourself within your prospect’s hierarchy of needs. By aligning your product with their most pressing desires, selling becomes effortless.

The 5-Step HGC Process:

1. Identify Your Prospect’s Most Pressing Pain:

While basic marketing emphasizes targeting pain points, it’s crucial to differentiate between passive pain (complaining without action) and active pain (which drives action). The key is to focus on the latter.

Differentiate Between “Moaning” and “Moving” Pain: Understand the spectrum of pain. A stubbed toe is Moaning Pain, a mere inconvenience. In contrast, the urgency of a severed thumb is Moving Pain, demanding immediate action.

Go here to finish reading: https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/holy-grail-copywriting/

Hope you enjoy these articles and books. Have a great rest of your Friday an amazing weekend!